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Hi and welcome to our blog, we will try and add as much information as possible to help you acheive your goals. If you have any inquiry please email or call us, we are here to help anyone that wants to improve their health
The Evolve Team

Tony Buksh - 0416 257 721

Health Coach and Owner

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

The key to a long healthy life

Good food:
This is food made from REAL ingredients such as fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and so on. Anything made from nature is a safe source (just make sure it is organic). Get back to basics when it comes to food and your body will thank you.

We have always been active throughout history. We had to do everything on our own, such as hunt, grow our own food, using animals on the fields, walking everywhere and so on. Now that we have machines for most things we need to make it up by taking time for exercise. Exercise releases ‘feel-good’ hormones and we maintain and build a fitter, stronger body, mind and heart.

Without rest we can not recover, restore and repair our selves. Rest is a vital part of a healthy life that should not be overlooked. Take time to rest your mind and body, e.g. have a bath, buy your favourite magazine to enjoy, watch a movie, meditate, take a walk on the beach etc.

Everyday you need about 15min of sunlight to get your dose of Vitamin D which is great for your skin and the maintenance of organ systems. It also keeps you happy. Did you know that in parts of the world where there are very little sunlight, there are light-therapy rooms where people go to get their vitamin intake and to release ‘feel-good’ hormones?
Yes, you should stay out of the sun from 11am – 3pm.

Without a healthy soul we are still prone to a lot of diseases because of the different hormone releases that causes stress, depression, anger and so on. Love is one of the greatest ways to feel happy from inside out. It can be love from your partner, friends, children or anything that makes you feel good.

Remember: “The first wealth is Health


Lifestyle factors that reduce the risk of Breast Cancer

Avoid being overweight.

Overweight and obese women are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer then women of a healthy weight. Gaining weight after menopause particularly increases the risk of beast cancer. Obese women also make more oestrogen in their body then slim women do, and oestrogen is known to fuel the growth of most types of breast cancer.
There are so many other reasons why breast cancer can occur from family history or just pure bad luck however at the end of the day following some simple lifestyle solution could drastically help reduce the chance of getting breast cancer

Exercise Regularly.

Regular exercise can help to protect you against breast cancer. Numerous studies have shown that women who perform cardiovascular exercise have lower rates of breast cancer. This is probably explained by the fact that regular exercisers are much less likely to be overweight and therefore have lower oestrogen levels. Exercise also helps to prevent constipation, therefore helps you to excrete excess oestrogen more efficiently.Performing six or more hours of strenuous exercise per week reduces the risk of invasive breast cancer by 23 percent! Exercise helps keep insulin levels down and also reduces the risk of breast cancer

Minimise Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol increases the level of free oestrogen in the bloodstream and it stimulates the liver to release a protein called insulin-like growth factor 1. This protein stimulates cell in the body to grow and multiply. If a tumour is present it will act as a fertiliser and fuel its growth. Metabolising alcohol uses up a lot of folic acid in your body. Folic acid is needed for healthy cell division and deficiency’s can increase the risk of damage to genetic material (DNA)
It is recommended that women consume no more then two standard drinks per day, and have at least two alcohol free days per week; however it is good to be aware that alcohol is a significant breast cancer risk factor.

Avoid Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking more then doubles the risk of breast cancer among women with a strong family history of the disease. Smokers have a 65% increase risk rate to developing cancer. Cigarettes’ generates a great deal of free radical in the body and causes DNA damage. The solvent and chemicals additives present in cigarettes are also known to promote cancer.

Try these foods to help fight breast cancer-
High antioxidants

Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Cranberries.
Walnuts, Strawberries, Prunes, Cloves Cabbage, Spinach, Walnuts. All dark green vegetables

Other helpful hints
Green tea – 2 to 3 cups per day
Sunshine at least 2 hour per week vitamin D.
Use turmeric in cooking
Talk to your doctor about the Breast health capsules
Which contains; Selenium, iodine and vitamin D.


Managing Stress

Stress can be considered as a spice in life; too little and you are left feeling like it is a bit bland, too much and it makes you sick, the right amount enhances the flavour! The stress response is a natural event in our life and is highly individualised, some cope better than others in tense or difficult situations.

Try to recognise the signs that indicate times of stress:
- Discouraged, Irritable, Cynical, Emotional, Reclusive, low energy levels.

These emotions affect how you feel, think and act but may be easy to miss as they can sneak up gradually.

The physical symptoms aren’t as easy to ignore. They include:
- Headache, upset stomach, Insomnia, Fatigue, Frequent illness.

Many people revert to old habits, such as biting nails, smoking, or turning to alcohol and drugs.

While it is one thing to recognise stress, it’s another to know what to do about it. Here are a few ways you can avoid and better cope with stress.
Get organised
Keep a written schedule of your daily activities so you’re not faced with conflicts or last-minute rushes to get to an appointment or activity on time.
Simplify your schedule
Try to adopt a more relaxed pace. You “can and learn how to say “no” to added responsibilities that you don’t feel up to tackling. Ask others to lend a hand.
Exercise and Food
In addition to helping control your blood pressure, exercise also helps to burn off the nervous energy that stress produces. Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day most days of the week. Eat as much wholesome foods as possible, keep package & processed foods to a minimum.
Give yourself an occasional break
Take a holiday, even if it is for a weekend, and plan it so you leave your stresses behind. Take time to see a movie or enjoy a relaxing meal out, spoil yourself with a massage, haircut or new outfit.
Get plenty of sleep and have some fun.


Curb Carb Cravings to lose weight

For many of us avoiding our favourite foods can seem impossible! When we have been too strict we start to crave sugars, salt, caffeine and chocolate, generally carbs.
We then binge on what we have been denying ourselves for so long. This then puts us on fast track to weight gain & poor health and so the cycle begins…

There are many theories why we get cravings. One is that a craving is an attempt to supply the body with a nutrient that we are lacking or another could be an emotional comfort. Because treats are used as rewards when we are younger, as adults we then rely on comfort foods when we are down as a pick me up reward. Diets, hormones, tiredness and lack of food after exercise can all attribute to our desires for certain foods.

We need to be aware of our individual triggers and what moods or situations we are in when we get cravings. Keeping a food diary detailing when you crave foods and what is going on at the time, this can help you later identify these things and avoid overeating when you get these cravings again. Knowing why and when you get these cravings is the first step in getting over them.
Having to fill in a diary and understanding your emotion and identifying details about everything that you do, can be a drag-Life is to short.

Just by following some simple rules we can curb those carbs and stay lean.

Always eat Curbs with Proteins/Fats
Carbs on its own tends to spike blood sugar levels and raise the insulin levels in the body, particularly refined carbs(white bread,donuts etc) When your insuline levels are high you will not burn fat,by adding Proteins and fats to carb , this slows down the digestion process in the body allowing for a better insulin performance.Naturally all high fibre carbs are okay on there own especially Fruit/vegetable since they have a low GI factor.

Not allowing to get Hungry
You would think that staying comfortable full would be easy, its our busy lifestyle that makes this sometime hard to achieve. By waiting to long between meals our sugar levels drop, we become desperate and tend to eat, eat, eat, what do we eat, who cares. We can avoid this situation by eating often every 3-4 hour is ideal and it also keeps our metabolism functioning at a optimum level. Always keep healthy snack in your fridge and office.

Never give up your favorite foods
By giving up your favorite foods we deny ourself one of the basic pleasures of life. Indulge but make a trade off, walk longer, train harder just remember its not forever. Use Food as a reward for reaching milestones particularly with exercise.

Drink less Carbs -they pack loads of Calories
Those soft drinks have loads of sugar in them and have a contributed towards the obsity problem in Australia. Have you looked at the labels of a fanta it has more calories then a entire roast dinner for two people. yuk, and to think your Liver and Kidneys will now have to go through the process of elimating it from your body.
If you find this just impossible to do then go for no sugar drinks(zero coke)

Carbs before or after your workout
Avoid drinking energy drinks before a work out or dont load your body with to much carbs if you can manage to do a workout on a empty stomach, this will allow the body to use fats as fuel and not the current energy that you just ingested. This will work well especially doing a long slow exercise rountine(walking) which has its benefits of burning fuel strictly from fats stores and easy on the body because of the less demand on carb stores.
I would strongly suggest trying this form of training over a shorter time frame until your body gets used to the process.

Eating at night
So you have had dinner but something is missing, mm Chocolate!!
Never an easy choice, i think it should be reflective of your goals, if it is weight loss then a protein snack would be for you- yogurt/small smoothie, if you still hungry, i suggest a glass of water.
I would also strongly recommend that all starchy type carb should be eaten during the day(potatoes/rice/pasta/bread) excellent form of carbs and does combine well with protein however they do pack a punch in the calorie department.
If you are a regular exercise junkie, go for it!unless you are trying to lower your body fat levels. If you exerise late at night becuse of your hectic lifestyle then topping up on Carb at night should not have any effect on your body or sleep!As long as it s not beer! My favorite carb but disastrous on my sinus!!

Remember; Sacrificing everything to stay lean is a huge mistake.


Tuesday, 10 November 2009


At Evolve we can engage you with nature and fitness - we have hills, beaches, sand, surf and a beautiful climate.

We have decided to take advantage of this with some outdoor sessions.
These outdoor sessions will take place once a week at Coolum, and will be comprised of
circuits, cardiovascular work, games, teamwork, core stability, strength training and most importantly, fun!

All levels will be catered for, so whether you are an athlete or a novice we will have something for you. Having a group of people to train with can be motivating and give you the push you need to continue with your own exercise.
The outdoor sessions are a great opportunity to meet people and make the most of the beautiful environment that we live in.

Where; Pt Arkwright (end of Yaroomba beach)
When: 5.30am -6.30am Thursday mornings
Cost: $15 per session, $12 in bulk

Please bring a towel and water bottle.


Thursday, 10 September 2009

Evolve your body today

Transform your body in 12 weeks!!
Results guaranteed
to get your body in shape
just in time for summer.

How it Works and what you cant expect.
The weight loss program is structured around a booklet that we provided to you, which has all the information you need to reach your goals, by setting up guide lines we can work together to keep you on track from day to day.
The main key issues with weight loss is food intake and calorie output and eating to burn more fats and less from carbohydrates. We don't expect you to go hungry, in fact our main concern will be "are you eating enough",its what you are eating and in what combination that matters the most.
By reducing intake of food you will only set yourself up to fail,going hungry has the opposite effect on weight loss besides how long can you keep this up for and think of all the nutritional elements that your missing out on.

I always find people are generally apprehensive about weight loss, everything needs to be right before they will start, "as soon as the in laws leave i will start, as soon as School holidays finish i will start, as soon as the weather gets cooler i will start and the excuses goes on!! why because we find it to be such a hard thing to do and how to do it on our own.

Why is it that we can juggle Kids,School, work and our social life better then the very thing that can give you more energy to do most things in our life's.

Structured exercise+Correct food combination+ Frequency= Results+Energy+ Control

It is true we are always busy, but if you had a structure that you can follow to lose weight and get long term results would you do it!

You can expect your body to slowly become more efficient at burning fats in preference to carbohydrates.
You can expect making good food choices become easier as you feel better from consistent exercise
You can expect you body start to change, your clothes will start to fit again and your life back to to how you remember it.

Strong and happy!


Do two to three personal training session p/week
Shape up eat smart personalised plan
Free food coaching sessions included
Monthly exercise planner supplied for take home exercise
Long term food plan included so you don't put the weight back on.
All session conducted by fun accredited personal trainers.
Supplement package included, if required.

By buying a goal oriented package deal you save money.

Do two session per week and save $240
Do three session per week and save $360.

Call Tony today for a free consultation PH 0416 25 7721


Wednesday, 9 September 2009



There are a lot of different types of foods high in protein but you just need to stick with the types of foods high in protein most commonly associated with good health and fitness.

Here are some types of protein that the best foods high in protein will contain. Please note some of these high protein foods can be used by themselves as high protein foods in your diet.


Protein foods containing casein have been found to result in a greater amount of protein being used up by the muscles than most other sources.

Protein foods containing casein will slightly increase synthesis and inhibits breakdown of the protein. Studies have shown that high protein foods containing casein clot in the stomach to form a sort of gel, thereby causing a slow, but prolonged release of amino acids into your bloodstream.

Protein foods containing casein have also been shown to increase muscle strength more so than a lot of other sources!

Casein has also been shown to have some health benefits. Protein foods containing casein have been shown to increase HDL levels and could help to ease pain of muscles and joints.


Whey protein is the ultimate designer food. Whey protein has been proven to be the best known. It has one purpose -- to make you reach your goal.

In addition to amazing fitness properties, protein foods containing whey protein also have some very potent immunological benefits as well as other healthy effects such as an anti-cancer functional food.


Protein foods containing soy are very popular and and have shown to be popular with people not interested in milk solids products.


As far as eggs go, they're a great protein source and are fairly inexpensive. The only problem is that you have to eat a lot of them to get your full amount of protein.


Meats like chicken, tuna, and lean cuts of beef provide a slower release of amino acids, thereby increasing muscle growth to a good degree. Plus, in most cases, they're pretty cheap as well.

Properly timed and taken in sufficient amounts, foods high in protein will help you see a marked improvement in your both your health & fitness endeavors.

"Lose Weight With Protein"

A diet based on an increased intake of foods high in protein have been shown in a number of studies to give an added boost to dieters by helping them increase weight loss, increase loss of body fat, and reduce the loss of muscle tissue.

It's recommended that your diet should contain 25 to 35 percent protein for weight loss and between 20 to 25 percent protein for weight maintenance. In either situation the protein in the food should be high quality.

Protein requires more energy to digest than other foods helping you to use more calories and therefore may help with weight loss.

Also, potein helps to preserve lean muscle tissue while you lose fat. If your body doesn't get enough protein and the important essential amino acids on a daily basis it will simple take the protein from existing muscle tissue.

Protein foods also help to slow down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. This in turn reduces hunger by reducing insulin levels and making it easier for the body to burn fat.

"Protein Facts"

Next to water, protein is the most plentiful substance in the body. Muscles, skin, eyes, individual cells and your immune system are just a few of your body parts comprised primarily of protein.

Protein is the main building block of your body. It's essential that your entire body receives enough protein from food to ensure proper growth and maintenance. Protein foods also provide you with essential amino acids that your body cannot manufacture itself.

And finally, there is NO documented proof that indicates high amounts of protein or higher levels of protein intake in general lead to kidney malfunction in healthy women, no documented proof whatsoever.

"Best High Protein Foods"

  • whey (supplement found in health food stores)
  • Casein protein supplement (found in health food stores)
  • Protein bars. half bar per serve
  • chicken breast 100gm
  • turkey breast 100gm
  • salmon 100gm
  • tuna 100gm
  • swordfish 100gm
  • lean ground turkey 100gm
  • round steak 100gm
  • sirloin steak 100gm
  • lean ground beef (mince) 100gm
  • eggs 1
  • pork 100gm
  • crab 100gm
  • lobster 100gm
  • shrimp 100gm
  • Veal 100gm
  • ham of the bone 70gm
  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • nuts (unsalted/raw) Handful
  • Sunflower seeds Handful
  • Tempeh 100gm
  • Tofu 100gm
  • Brown rice 1/4 cup cooked
  • Peanut butter 1 teaspon
  • Cheese(fat free) 55gm
  • Cottage Cheese 115gm
  • Milk(nonfat) 1 cup
  • Yogurt(nonfat,plain) half cup
